Venice is a very romantic city.

Hena had forwarded me a couple of links about solo women travelers and one of the blogs duly noted that Venice is the top most city that one must NOT visit when she is a woman and is traveling alone.

Now, I am not against the idea of romantic love. I mean I grew up on it, sickeningly so. But all the kissing, hugging and intense displays of affection drove me to depths of loneliness and insanity in the first few weeks.

It was very ‘aww’ and cute in the beginning. It made one smile to see a couple blocking the traffic on a ponti (bridge) because they were so busy kissing. So much so that you could hardly see their faces.

But Venice has about hundreds of pontis and every single time, it is not so cute anymore. Some of them are just annoying. Get a room, please.

I have nothing against such celebration of love. I don’t. I understand the intense emotion of young people on honeymoons. I do. But you see, I am single and I need to cross this ponti to go home to myself.

But now, I am used to it. It doesn’t bother me anymore. Not one bit. Because everyone is in love. Everyone I know is either newly falling in love or re-falling in love or in love or almost in love. And I am listening to their stories and feeling their smiles. And all this love seems justified. Kiss away. Snuggle outside churches. Dance in parks. Celebrate.

Venice is a very romantic city. Did I say that already?