
April 21, 2010

Everything in life comes down to power. It’s really simple. One can understand everything about life, love, nature and else by comprehending the basic power equations. War is about power, so is peace. All that we do in life or are supposed to do is about acquiring more and more power. If it is such a high to have so much power, I just want to imagine what it must be like to give all that way. Woo.

Its a fundamental question. Why? Does direction make my life more certain? Is this my way of craving certainty?

Sometimes, to find or develop direction feels meaningless like a life wasted. Should I bother?

Without direction, I will be lost, unfocused with perhaps no love or life or money or whatever that is valued.

When there is no direction, there is still some direction? Where does that come from? Do I have it? Am I waiting for it?

I don’t mean to make this some philosophical babble. If you have been in this place or are in this place with me, you will know what I mean. This is a big problem I have or perhaps there is no problem because there is no need to have direction.

I really don’t know.

Mull. Mull. Mull.